Monday, May 26, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Friday, May 23, 2008
Life In Cold Blood

Friday, May 16, 2008
Willie and Wei Ping's R.O.M
After the ceremony, we had buffet dinner at Merchant Court Hotel at Clarke Quay.
So, here's a toast to both of them, wishing them a happy and blissful marriage.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day Make-up Dinner....
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Shot of the Day
20/4: Sparring Spotted Doves
I was at the Botanic Gardens, walking along the path outside the frangipani garden when I heard the spotted doves cooing. I wasn't that keen to photograph them but nevertheless I went to check it out. I saw 2 of them, not sure whether a male and female of both males. They were on this frangipani tree. Sometimes they seemed to be at peace with each other, sometimes they fought. From the tree, they fought to the ground. I guessed they were to engrossed with fighting each other that they never noticed this human standing near them. Their fighting stopped when one flew up to another frangipani tree and the other went the opposite direction. Aren't doves suppose to be symbol of peace? Well, if the symbol of peace are fighting each other how do you expect humans to live peacefully with other.
19/04: Flying Lizard
Moments later I saw this colourful bird at the same stretch of field where I found the flying lizard. I slowly crept up so as not to frighten it away to see what it was. It turned out to be a red jungle fowl, the ancestor of the domestic checken. Never expect to see it in the gardens. This is the male. The female is duller in colour. My legs were badly bitten by mosquitoes while photographing it, but it's worth it.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Singapore Flyer
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Jacob's and Ivy's Wedding (12.04.08)
The groom with the minister presiding over the wedding
The M.Cs.
The pianist
The moment he's waiting for, that's why he's flashing that priceless smile....
The bride marches in

The ring-bearer

Exhortation by Rev. Koi (Ecc 4:9-12)
The groom putting on the ring for the bride
The bride putting on the ring for the groom
Blessing by Rev. Koi

"You may now kiss the bride."

Mr and Mrs Ho Wen Yih
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dim Sake Bar @ Goodwood Park Hotel
The interior of the restuarant.
The appetitzer - a very spicy plate of potatoe chips. The most spicy potatoe chips I ever tasted.
Here's what we ordered:
Tofu Trio ($8.95): Tofu cooked and presented in three ways. Nice
Xiao Long Bao Shooters ($7.95). Their signature dish. In order for the customer to enjoy the soup inside the xiao long bao, it has the soup inside the shot glass. Not a single drop will be wasted in this way. Nice and innovative.
Chicken claw in XO sauce ($4.95). This ought to be the most expensive chicken claw ever tasted. There's only 2 chicken claw per dish.
Lobster and scallop kadaifa ($12.95). The most expensive dish we ordered. But its really nice and cripsy. So it's quite worth it.
Siew Mai ($6.95). A bit expensive also. It is topped with egg roe compared to elsewhere which uses chopped carrot. Other than that the taste is ok.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sidah's Wedding
Sidah and her husband on their "thrones". That's where guest go to greet them and take photos with them. The stage was a bit small though. Barely able to contain the whole group.
The bride's and groom's wedding outfit
Hand-in-hand and off to the groom's place.
Group photo, minus the couple
Monday, March 31, 2008
Confessions of a Cockroach-phobic
It's 2 a.m in the morning. I was on my way to the toilet when I met my mortal enemy... the detestable cockroach. Alamak... both my cockroach-busters were sound asleep, i.e. my parents. It's now left to me alone. Wonder where my mum kept the insecticide....sigh. She was the one who kept it. If it was my dad, he is more environmental friendly. All he needed to do was to catch the cockroach with his bare hands and out of the window the cockroach will be. Wonder how he managed to do that. Anyway, try my luck. I opened the cupboard where I presumed my mum would keep the insecticide. Lo and behold, it was there, just by the door of the cupboard. I aimed the nozzle at it and sprayed. The cockroach ran. I sprayed at it as if there was no tommorow until it didn't run anymore.
How come I am so afraid of cockroaches? Well, it all started when I was still very young, living in my old house at Geylang. Once a young cockroach was hiding in one of my shorts. I didn't notice it. Then suddenly I felt some tickling sensation. I quickly took off the shorts and there it was... yucks....
Speaking of the old house, well, it had a back door. There's a courtyard and at one corner there was a tree. Not sure who planted it. It was there probably even before I was born. The six of us would squeeze in one bedroom. There was actually a narrow drain running in front of the room. There and then we would clean the drain and clear it of debris to prevent it from choking. So, I had been a drain cleaner when I was young...XD Not that there wasn't enough rooms; there were actually 2 others. But, it was used by my eldest uncle to store his goods. As you see, the house actually belonged to him and he used it as his warehouse. So, no choice had to squeeze. As my elder siblings grew older it became too clamped to stay together. So, a small room was constructed by tearing down an existing one which was already badly damaged by termites. Aiyoh, talked about that room. It was completely made of wood again. During the day, the room would be so hot that nobody stayed inside unless you want to get a heat stroke. But what a waste, if I had known what is a sauna then I would be up there during day time... ha ha ha. And when it was raining, the water-pipe there would leak. So, there would always be a pail and a piece of cloth wrapped around the place where it leaked.
And the house was a playground for pest - ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, houseflies - you name it, there probably had it. There were even rats. My mum used to set traps to catch them. All of them would die a tragic death. The large ones were caught using metal traps. She would then pour boiling water over. As for the smaller ones, she would use a huge bowl and maybe a spoon or chopstick, I can't remember just to elevate one end of the bowl and under it would be the bait. Once the mouse pulled the bait at the correct direction, the bowl would cover it. My mum would then transfer it into a plastic bag and she would hit the bag against the wall... yheewww... As for the bowl, I think it was washed and used to hold food again. It was so long ago, I couldn't remember... yeeee..... I'm still alive, right?
Then, there was another type. It's not a rat at all. It's a shrew - small, with a long, black slender body and a pointy snout. My mother used to say that whenever you hear its squeak you will strike 4-D. Rubbish... our family used to hear it a number of times and yet we still didn't strike anything.
Spiders, yah there were the usual small, jumping spiders. However, sometimes there were those large, brown, long-legged ones. I had not seen them for a long time liao, even when I was staying there. Centipides were not uncommon. We just used our slippers to step on them.
Ants were ok lah. But, sometimes they would like to share our food. There were two types in the old house, the red and the black ones. The red ones were the more aggresive one; they got a nasty bite. Remember the tree at the courtyard? A colony of honey bee once built a hive there. Some time later, there was a battle between the bees and the red ants. The red ants tried to take the honey and the bees defended by stinging the ants. The bees can only use their sting once and they will die. So, there were bodies of dying bees littering on the floor. Of course the bees lost. After this, another colony tried to build a hive and it suffered the same fate.
Well, ever heard of "tiger bug" before? It's actually an assasin bug. Sounds sinister? The ones I encountered there were black in colour with a pointy head. At the end is a sharp probosis which it uses to stab the victim and draw blood. And both the insect and the victim will swell - the victim will experience localised swelling while the insect will be full of blood... hahaha. I, unfortunately, had been its victim. You wouldn't feel anything at all. I think its saliva contain both anticoagulant and anaesthesia, same like a mosquito. The way to kill it was to snip away the head with a pair of scissors. I wonder who came up with this idea. It had really been a long time since I last saw one.
Of course, cockroaches. Being at the ground floor, with the courtyard and drain, they were so common. Whenever I went to the toilet I would encounter them. The toilet was at one corner of the courtyard. There was a period of time when my father kept a number of arrowanas. So, all I had to do was called:"Pa, cockroach." He would catch it with his bare hands and throw it into the tank. So, they end up being fish food... a rather environmental way of getting rid of them. Sometimes, I would see a cockroach being dragged by a jewel wasp. My mother used to comment that it was under spell. In actual fact, it was paralysed by the wasp which would then dragged it to a safe place where it would lay an egg on it. When the egg hatched, the grub would have fresh food. There were a few times, when the heaven was generous and it rained for a few days. Our house would get flooded and you would see loads of cockroaches, big big small small, swimming... yucks.
Well, looking back, living there was quite fun actually. However, my mother said that the house was not clean, well you know, in the spiritual sense. So, we shifted to our present house when I was in secondary 2. I seldom go there now unless I wanted to go to National Stadium, then I would walked past there. It had changed a lot liao. Now, its full of hotels.
I guess my the time you finished reading the above, the cockroach would be dead by now with the generous amount of poison I showered on it... hee.... Otherwise, that can of insecticide can be thrown away liao. Now came another difficult task - to dispose of it. Heng... the light was quite dim and I wasn't wearing my spectacles. So it was quite blurry. I took to pieces of newspaper and swept it up. I quickly threw out of the door, washed my hands and went to sleep.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wah! Noogeez House 华记粥面
The century and salted egg with lean meat congee(皮蛋咸蛋瘦肉粥), $7.00 is also nice. 2 persons can share one large bowl like this. The meat is really lean but I think the salted egg white is merged with the congee such that only the egg yolk could be seen.Couple this with you tiao ($1.20) and its so nice. The you tiao is really crispy.
This is their steamed chicken claw with chilli (川椒凤爪). I never ate it. My mum did and she said that its not bad. The chicken claws looked sizable.
This is steamed glutinous rice with assorted meat (鲜荷珍珠鸡), $2.80/2 pcs. Each portion is really small so not to worry that after eating it, there is no more space left to eat other things.
So far I had not tried anything other than their dim dum. Its nice. If you want a quiet lunch, go before 12 pm. Once, the lunchtime crowd appears and the place can be very noisy.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008 Competition
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Jesus had no servants yet they called Him Master,
No degree yet they called Him Teacher,
No medicine yet they called Him Healer,
No army yet kings feared Him,
He won no military battles yet He conquered the world,
He committed no crime yet they crucified Him,
He was buried in a tomb yet He lives today.
Feel honoured to know and serve such a Leader who loves us.
Years ago I saw a person wearing a T-shirt with this print on it:
Saturday, March 15, 2008
台北之旅 (08/03/08 至 14/03/08)

世界上唯一一间为于机场里面的 Hard Rock Cafe。怎么能放过它呢?有一次还特地跑下来。找了半天才知道它是在搭客过境区内,害我白跑一趟。这次我只买了一个鲤鱼 pin 和一对 shot glass。
时间过的很快。过境区内有很多商店,还没机会走完就要蹬机了。原本 12.25 pm 起飞的舨机被延后到三点才起飞。现在不当有机会狂,还有机会吃。

一间我很想去的店。。。Guylian Belgian Chocolate Cafe。市区是找不到的哦。因为刚吃完午餐,所以就点了一个 chocolate mousse ($7.00) 来吃玩玩。蛋糕是好吃,但是店里就只有我们三位顾客。。。哈哈哈。

搭客过境区有一些商店是市区找不到的。Ferrari Store 是其中一间。你们猜照片那辆跑车模型多少钱?$8669 啊。。。可以让我去台北四次耶。
飞机三点钟准时起飞。到台北已经是晚上七点多了。找到一辆车(NT1200/S$54.55)载我们去饭店 - 华华大饭店。到了饭店已经是九点多了。飞机上所提共的晚餐不是很好吃,所以还觉得有点饿。拿到房间后就出去买东西吃了。


咪乐 (Mele) 物品专卖店.
这间点卖的都是印有咪乐小猫的物品, 从衣服, 书包到背包, 钱包。 我们几乎每晚都去。 去到店员都认识我们。 店就在靠近华华大饭店的 KFC 楼下。

早餐本来是要吃大肠面线的。 但是我妈看到隔壁摊的生意不错就叫我去排队。 排队怎么样也是新加坡人的 national pastime。

他们的蛋饼挺不错的喔。。。 只要有开我们就买来吃。 有几种馅料可以选。 我只吃肉松的。 再加上酸甜酱更是可口。 除了蛋饼还有饭团. 里面的馅料也很丰富。除了你所要求的馅料以外, 还加了油条和鸡蛋。 我没吃啦, 我妈有。



午餐了。侄女想吃 McDonald's,所以就道世贸对面的 New York 购物商场吃。如果你想要辣椒酱来配 french fries 请自备。台北的 McDonald's 只有藩茄酱。
不要搞错,我不是在北京啦。奥运会的五位福娃在世贸的门外出现。我们马上从 New York 赶过去。篮色的是贝贝,黑的晶晶,红的欢欢,黄的迎迎,青的妮妮。
下一站是世界最高的大厦 - 台北101。我们在购物商场逛了一下。侄女进了加拿大品牌 Roots 看看。没有她的 size。我们就继续走。走呀走着看到 LV 叔叔的店。因为在新加坡未能买到看重的一双鞋而有点耿耿于怀,所以就打算进去看看。结果被我找到了。他们只剩一双7号的。式了一下,考虑一下,在式了一下,在考虑一下,结果买下了。扣了5%的税应该会比在新加坡买便宜吧。
吃: 下午茶
Kaffe Amadeus
第一站:国立故宫博物院。从士林捷运站,可以搭R30, 255 或 304 到博物院。



又吃东西咯。。。烤鱿鱼。一只是 NT50/S$2.27。香香,QQ 的 - -好吃

鱼酥 -- 淡水的名产吧。很好吃哦,特别是醍醐大师的。他们也有卖铁蛋。
11/03: 阳明山

晚餐是在卖胡椒饼隔壁的洪师父面食栈。 这间店的牛肉面有拿过奖的。 我们就点了那两个. 我点的牛肉面有牛肉片+红烧牛肉 (左边的照片)。 我妈点的有红烧牛肉, 牛的 tendon 和牛肚。 一碗 NT$180/S$8.18。 如果加大是 NT$200/S$9.09。 他的面肥肥QQ的。 是不错吃啦, 只不过我决得红烧牛肉的牛味太重了。
12/03 台中
为了要试试看台湾的快铁(称为高铁), 我就在新加坡的时候透过网站买了三张来回台中的车票额(单程 NT700/S$31.80)。 也不知道台中有什么好玩的, 所以那时就定了一整天在那里。 没想到这是一个错误的决定。
车子里的座位很舒服。 座位之间的空间也挺大的。

早餐本来要吃蛋饼, 可是店没开。 记得新光三越附近有一家卖阿忠面线的, 所以就去那里。我们最后决定式式他们的皮蛋粥。可是买后有点后悔。粥里没什么瘦肉,油条只有两条小小段。可能台北的皮蛋很便宜吧,他们既然给我们一整粒。
要坐猫空缆车,我们首先要坐捷运道动物园站。到了动物园站,我们跟着指示走道了猫空缆车站。起初以为是周日应该是没什么人。没想到到了那里有人龙在排队。好不容易终于到我们了。要上缆车之前得要负费。如果有 EZcard 的人可以用来负。不然还得花时间排队买票。
从猫空缆车回到台北车站已经十二点多了。 急忙的去找柜台买台铁的车票去瑞方为了要去九份。我们买到一点十五分的车票。从台北车站到瑞方大约四十五分钟。从瑞方车站我们搭德士去九份。车费是 NT180/S$8.18。

九份也是喝茶的好地方。我们去的这家名为九份茶坊。在这里喝茶每个人的“水费”是 NT100/S$4.55。茶叶是另外算。如果茶叶喝不完可以打包。我看了菜单就选了一种金萱茶。点了茶后那里的工作人员会教你怎么泡茶。这是我第二次来九份茶坊。这位人兄说他记得我。但是他却说我是从泰国来的。其实呀,我第一次去的时候都没见过他。
我记得这位小妹。第一次我去是她让我式茶。这一次又找她让我式。我最后买了另一种金萱茶 (NT650/S$29.55) 和黎山茶 (NT1600/S$72.73)。
14/03: 台北