It's the time of the year again when this huge, tall yellow flame tree (Peltophorum pterocarpum) in front of my block is decked with all her fineries and starts to flower. My mother dubbed it as the 'Singapore Sakura'. But that term actually belongs to another tree.
Anyway, doesn't it looked like it's up in flame? And all her suitors - butterflies, bees and sunbirds - will take this opportunity to cash in on the bonanza of nectar and pollen. The tree is supposed to have a beautiful umbrella shape. But, unfortunately one or two years ago, the left side got burnt due to burning of incense paper during one of the funeral wake. This resulted in the 'lobang' you see on the left of the tree. Nonetheless, its still the yellow flame with the most luxuriant bloom I had seen so far. Since, the window of my bedroom faces it, I am able to see its splendor for the next 1 week or so, twice yearly :)

Close-up of the flowers
The flowers fallen onto the ground. Doesn't it looked like the ground is covered with gold? Hahaha... But pity the roadsweeper. He needs to sweep away those that dropped on the pathway.
The towering yellow flame tree